The International Conference on Safe Falling for the Elderly through Judo
The conference took place on the 27th & 28th of November and was hosted at Tokai University.
The International Conference brought together academics, practitioners, Olympians and enthusiasts from around the world to address the crucial topic of ensuring Safer Falls for the Elderly through the use of Judo techniques. With representatives from 14 countries, the event showcased the global commitment to improving the well-being of Older People.
Different nations presented their ideas on how the principles of Judo and Ukemi can be applied to Safer falling and then gave a short demonstration on what a class could consist of. The exchange of knowledge and experiences will undoubtedly contribute to the development of judo-based programs for Elderly people worldwide.
Thank you to our hosts at Tokai University, for making available their first-class facilities and their long history of Judo excellence. Thank you to our academic leads in the i-dojo and the institute of Sport at the University of Hertfordshire along with their partner, The International Judo Federation Academy for their vision and support to make this event possible. Thank you to the JUDOs NPO and their professional organisational team. Thank you to our sponsers, the Judospace Educational Institute for their significant commitment and to the Defier Company for their belief and support.

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Safe Fall Projects Around the World
Judo4Balance – Sweden https://judotraining.info/judo4balance/
Dynamic Balance for Life – Australia https://www.aujudo.com/dynamic-balance-for-life/
Yawara-chan taiso (Judo health exercise) – All Japan Judo Federation https://www.ijf.org/news/show/yawara-chan-taiso
Fall Prevention and Control Program – Canada https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/judo-courses-in-quebec-are-teaching-the-elderly-how-to-fall-safel-1.6709627 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwgTHc4QNyLM7pCViATq9lc4mlOhjzsl2
Finding your Feet – Great Britain https://www.britishjudo.org.uk/empowering-judo-coaches-join-the-movement-to-teach-finding-your-feet/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CFinding%20Your%20Feet%E2%80%9D%20leverages%20this,journey%20from%20fear%20to%20confidence.
Safe Fall Azerbaijan – Azerbaijan https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7102209276735049728/
Carefree Falling for the Elderly – Belgium https://www.judovlaanderen.be/gezond-ethisch-sporten/project-vallen-zonder-zorgen/
Judo KENKO taiso (No throw Judo) – All Japan Judo Federation
Educating Judo Coaches for Older Practitioners (EDJCO) – Croatia https://edjco.eu/
Adapted Utilitarian Judo (JUA) – Spain https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6265678/
ZekerBewegen fall prevention – The Netherlands https://www.jbn.nl/judo/zekerbewegen/